Cities were designed around that dream. Frazer quotes University of Houston historian Martin Melosi, who said that roughly half of the space in American cities has been given over to roads, parking lots, parking spots, gas stations, traffic signals, and other things pertaining to cars. And at the same time, space for other forms of transportation — like sidewalks — were squeezed out. Even the sidewalks themselves are designed to resist change; large concrete slabs, they don’t lend themselves to being changed around. Making an infrastructure change can cost millions, a price many cities won’t or can’t pay.
We’re using our streets all wrong | Hard Reset by Freethink
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About the Author: cCc

We Ourselves, Our Children, Animal Species, and Biodiversity deserve a sustainable, safe, healthy and extinction free planet. We must work together to overcome the hurdles and obstacles that are currently preventing this all for the sake of greed, need, and other special interest. We must as it is now a dire necessity. We all have a right to life. || "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." - Albert Einstein