Video Conferencing Collection Content | We attend many Webinars, Zoom, and other Video Conferencing formats.  Some have been extremely encouraging and enlightening, we have walked away from a few much more educated about climate issues then we anticipated.  Many of these video conferences are from all over the planet and the diversity of information and presenters are very insightful to say the least. 

There are now numerous scientists, authors, educators and informed presenters that serve as an amazing vehicle for self-education in the realm of our Climate Emergency.  We therefore, will post some of those we either attended, were not able to attend, or received the link to view later, we even found some great ones in our research. 

Since their are now an overwhelming amount we will post the best ones we find.

A Conversation on Saving Us: How to Talk About Climate Change with Dr. Katharine Hayhoe

Climate Change & Sustainability Webinar

ECB Forum on Banking Supervision: Climate change: are banks and supervisors prepared?

Climate Change & Sustainability Webinar

COP26: Technologies We Need To Fight Climate Change featuring Bertrand Piccard

Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, the Working Group II contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report.

Climate Change & Ethics: The Role of Governments and Societal Actors in Mitigating Climate Change

Exponential Climate Action Summit V: Nature in The Race to Zero – PART I – Stockholm studio