In the tradition of the Academy Award-winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth, Antonia Juhasz’s The Tyranny of Oil offers a chilling exposé of the modern American oil industry and its dire abuse of power. A leading international trade and finance policy expert and the author of The Bush Agenda, Juhasz presents eye-opening truths about a potentially catastrophic global energy crisis that only promises to get much worse in the coming years—and provides possible solutions for meaningful change. Terry Tamminen, former Secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency, calls The Tyranny of Oil “a bold blueprint for ending the madness,” and the Christian Science Monitor tells us, “a good first step toward true energy independence is to read this insightful book.”

This is THE MOST IMPORTANT book written on the subject of energy and society. It should be required reading for all elementary, middle, and high school students. It should be required for all college students. A test should be given on it before any legislator in any state and the US legislature is sworn in.

It clearly shows how rich the monopolistic oil giants are and how much money they have to buy media and politicians. It gives statistics on how little they are actually spending on alternatives. I haven’t even finished the book yet. It is a true work of careful research and the true state of the world with respect to energy. It clearly shows how we are all threatened by these monopolies and not just from “foreign” oil. They are investing in recovering all available petroleum sources including all the expensive to get oil–offshore, rocks, and sands–leaving a devastated United States (and anywhere else they get their claws into) with toxic water and air. –  Carol Grosser

What an engrossing book. I have now bought 3 of them and given them to my grown children to read. This book captured me from the first chapter and held my interest through to the end. Most nights I would lie in bed reading until 1-2 AM and reluctantly turn off the light, only to toss and turn unable to fall asleep because I couldn’t turn off my mind to what I was reading in this book. Ms. Juhasz has done an excellent job of educating the reader on the very beginning of the oil industry and bringing us through to the power of oil today. I found all the details of oil power to be disgusting but not surprising. I wish this book could be required reading for every high school and college student. We really need a wake-up call and this book is it.

I highly recommend reading this book if you care about what is going on with climate change, political corruption and wars. – LlamaMama
