Solar photovoltaic panels provide electricity for homes, businesses and utility scale grid providers. Ironically though, the hotter they get in direct sunshine, the less effective they are at producing power. So, what if we could harvest the heat, remove it from the panel, and do something useful with it? ‘Killing two birds with one stone‘, if you like. Well…it looks like we’ve just worked out how to do exactly that.
Repost: The Solar PV panel that provides electricity AND heat for your home!
By cCc|2023-05-20T05:18:51-04:00May 20, 2023|Climate Emergency, Renewable Energy, Solutions|Comments Off on Repost: The Solar PV panel that provides electricity AND heat for your home!
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About the Author: cCc

We Ourselves, Our Children, Animal Species, and Biodiversity deserve a sustainable, safe, healthy and extinction free planet. We must work together to overcome the hurdles and obstacles that are currently preventing this all for the sake of greed, need, and other special interest. We must as it is now a dire necessity. We all have a right to life. || "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." - Albert Einstein