(This video is in Spanish Language)
In this new video we will talk about the city as a space for coexistence, social movements and how experimentation and participatory processes are the best “resilience” tool for our cities.
I also connect with some very good examples such as the dreamhamar project (Norway) of Ecosistema Urbano or Sembra Orriols (Valencia) of the tandem Carpe, context architecture / sorianomatarredona I architects and Orriols Convive
I also speak of Parque Augusta (Brazil) and El campo de Cebada (Madrid), two of the most interesting processes I know of.
cc Zuloark, Basurama Asociación, TXP Todo Por la Praxis, Pkmn Architectures
Some of the references used are from the report on public spaces carried out by Fasebase for MesturaPuerto or from the article on Plataforma Arquitectura written by Consuelo Araneda.
María Tomé is an Architect, Urban Planner and Civic Designer. She is co-founder of the Civic Innovation Office S. Coop. and connector of the Civicwise network (www.civicwise.org).