If I think of something, want to express specific content, share a quote, or what-have-you, I jot it down here… some of this content will be posted later, most will not.

We Ourselves, Our Children, Animal Species, and Biodiversity deserve a sustainable, safe, healthy and extinction free planet. We must work together to overcome the hurdles and obstacles that are currently preventing this all for the sake of greed, need, and other special interest. We must as it is now a dire necessity. We all have a right to life. – (Personal Blog)

“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” – Albert Einstein

I mention our social media communities, yes, we have several now which are custom made, however due to coding issues it has taken us a bit longer than planned, we are however accepting those who do not mind coming in while construction is happening around them…   Also note for now all access for about a year or so will only be from within; meaning a member within these communities has to initiate a join request for you.

I created this profile a long, long time ago and finally got around to updating it. – About Me (website name), About Me.

13 years ago, I created this…  most of the links there are no longer valid, although I thought I’d share this site again…  Tick!