Microbiologist Abi Perrin, taking part in the London action, said: “I’m here today because I’m so frightened by seeing the stark warnings of the world’s scientists being ignored and suppressed by governments and powerful corporations who are putting economic growth and short-term profit above the survival of life on Earth. I am joining hundreds of scientists across the globe taking similar actions today, in the hope that this will help in some small way to change the course that we are on. Shell has known about the harm their products and activities cause since before I was born, yet throughout my lifetime they have kept expanding their fossil fuel operations, wrecking lives, communities, ecosystems, the world’s climate and our prospects for the future in the process.” (Source: Breaking: Scientists and Academics Throw Fake Oil Over Shell Hq, Extinction Rebellion.uk, April 5, 2022) – SOURCE!

Information Tidbits:

– To reiterate, in the U.S. we (and we’re pretty sure many other locations as well) strongly believe that now voting for empathetic, compassionate, and ethical leaders’ whether Democrats or not, that are environmentally conscientious equates to viable Climate Action. A fact that just might be actually beyond obvious at this point. 

– In our own opinion we are not experiencing a climate crisis and the subtle aspects of climate change has come and gone; we are in the midst of a scientifically verifiableClimate Emergency,’ and it should prompt us to literally act like it; especially government decision makers such as the senate!

– Self-Educating ourselves about the current Climate Emergency and Self-Improvement which entails strengthening our empathy and compassion are also key right now as well.

The 5 communities are in the process of being finalized are in fact templates for an idea we like to offer to those interested, this is outlined in the subscribe page.

Remember that this was an archived site and some posts will be dated, that being the case this site can be considered a research and self-education site (since new content will not be posted here).

Going forward, it would help to focus on the sites listed here.


“Missing” Words Matter

The IPCC’s Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C – Summary for Policymakers, states in section TS.2 Pg. 33 that:

…to achieve the goal of reaching “2050 net zero” and limit a dangerous overshoot of 1.5°C we need to reduce net anthropogenic (human caused) CO2 emissions by about 45% from 2010 levels by 2030, reaching net zero by 2050.

Did you see what happened? Politicians have conveniently chosen to skip the part that stresses the urgent need to “reduce CO2 emissions by about 45% from 2010 levels by 2030…”

This is a huge omission and manipulation of the meaning in the IPCC report. It minimizes the need for urgent and immediate action which is so vital to protecting us from an uncontrolled overshoot of 1.5°C. It’s not, choose your preference A or B, 2030 or 2050; those concepts and dates go together – it’s a linear relationship. A reduction in emissions by 45% from 2010 levels by 2030 is on the path to B…”2050 net zero”…that’s how  you get there. – Brad Zarnett – below2c.org – Source

Remember that this was an archived site and some posts will be dated, that being the case this site can be considered a research and self-education site (since new content will not be posted here).

Going forward, it would help to focus on the sites listed here.
