Exciting news! The launch of our updated versions of En-ROADS and C-ROADS is just around the corner. We’re thrilled to invite you to test out the impact of food choices on the climate, simulate the effects of wood bioenergy on forests, and delve into the implications of increased electric vehicle chargers on the future of transportation. These fascinating topics and more can now be explored in even greater depth with the latest updates to En-ROADS.

Join us on June 1 for a release webinar, available at three different time slots (listed below), where we will unveil and discuss the new changes with you.

On June 1, the changes will go live and replace the current versions of the models. Alongside the model updates, we will be providing supporting documentation to guide you through the changes. On release day, we will send detailed information on where to find everything you need. In the meantime, please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have.